Food for Thought – Genocide
(Picture of children of genocide in Rwanda, parents no longer able to hear their cries)
(Picture of children of genocide in Rwanda, children carrying babies and trying to make life work now that their parents are gone )
We call genocide “crimes against humanity” because the whole world has a duty to stop this whenever and wherever it occurs.
What can we do to stop it? Work to empower a world body to stop it? A more politically powerful U.N.? If that’s not possible, a grassroots-funded private force?
(Picture of skulls after Cambodia genocide)
If we open the Pandora’s box of private armies, how do we control them? Would governments be more willing to step in when private armies get out of control than they have when Genocide rears its ugly head?
Can we afford to continue to wait for these concerns to be resolved? Or do we have a duty to stop genocide first, and ask questions later?
(Picture of skulls after Armenia genocide)
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