Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence
What is the biggest factor today in the slow recovery of the Black Community from the Genocidal conditions of Slavery?
Violence from outside the Community — from mentally and emotionally unhealthy citizens, police officers, and government
Violence from within the Community — from mentally and emotionally unhealthy victims of Domestic and Community Violence?
One “easy” step in the direction of solving this vicious circle is almost obvious — make mental health and emotional health a part of our culture. If the Black community is disproportionately victimized by domestic violence, community violence, and violence from other sources ( including unfair judicial and police procedures and unhealthy detention procedures ), then the Black community needs more of what people get when we get counseling.
How many of the parents who curse at and around their children were exposed to too much physical or emotional violence when they were children? How many of the children who don’t have enough self-esteem and/or self-discipline to be effective in school, to be respectful in public, to be positive role models for other children, … how many of them were exposed to too much physical or emotional violence?
How much of the low self-esteem and low self-discipline that can be seen in some of our communities is a result of exposure to too much physical and/or emotional violence? Is it possible that effectively working on this one problem will untangle several of our most significant vicious circles?
Do we need 1 counselor in our some of our most affected schools for every 15 children? Do we need give feedback to the advertising industry, the television industry, the movies industry, the radio industry, and the politicians that we need all of them to contribute to solutions to this problem?
Many of us talk all the time about some of these problems. We need to discuss the larger picture, we need to expand the discussion to include the entire Black community at least ( See Tuwaza ). We need join organizations that are working towards solutions, or form workgroups or organizations to do just that ( See Kupatana ).
We have everything we need to effectively work these issues. We need to get it “Done”.
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