A Meditation – Go To Source, Bring Source Back to the World
Today’s topic was to be about a type of meditation, where the process is to go inward further and further towards peace and oneness and calm, and further and further, and then bring that beautiful reality back to the created world.
Searching online I found a page where the person had gone through a similar process, ultimately, but described a lot of pain and unbalanced spirit on the way.
I think there are times when we all can feel unsettled and we acknowledge that those times are part of the reality, but that whole … issue, is really part of the created world and not the focus of this process.
So I won’t go further into that today. I’ll just mention it and put it aside, just as we do as we start this process.
Much of the meditation given by Robert Perry, on the page at circleoa.org was in the direction of what I was thinking, and I’ll adapt the meditation ( or prayer ) here:
At the beginning of the meditation, repeat more and more slowly: I rest my spirit from the material, I rest further and further into the spiritual. Into Source. Into God/Mother/Father Spirit. Into Love that gives birth to reality. Into Peace and Infinite Strength. Calm Strength. Quiet Love.
Repeat that kind of understanding again and again, letting yourself feel slower and slower, growing more and more at one with Source/Father/Mother Spirit.
As you continue, let go of thinking even of that, just be one with peace/calm/love.
Let your spirit turn inward, towards this calm, quiet, loving Peace.
The activity of the world is left behind as you let calm, loving peace embrace you.
Let yourself go more and more deeply into your own mind knowing that this calm loving peace touches your spirit at this central place. This is where you come from. This calm loving place is your home.
Let yourself embrace the calm loving peace that is embracing you. This love that is the Source of your being.
Feel yourself letting go of the created world that takes your attention so often, and embracing this Source/Love/Mother/Father Spirit that is always here in this place for you.
This is that natural place for you to meet this beautiful reality. This calm loving strength and Source.
Let yourself feel the smile and the joy and the beauty of being here.
Let yourself enjoy the reality that this is your home. This is where you come from. This is where you are coming from all the time.
Let yourself feel the joy of coming back home. Enjoy the calm infinite loving strength that is here for you.
Let yourself enjoy this place for a long time. Relax. Let it soak in and soak all around you.
After awhile, let yourself come back up.
But bring that love with you. Bring that feeling with you. Come back to the created world, and see that all of this creation is also coming from that same calm, loving, Source-Strength.
See the beauty of people going through their lives with all different levels of consciousness. All different levels of being aware that they all come from this same Source/Love/Father/Mother Spirit. All with different levels of what we recognize as harmony.
See the beauty of the created world that you had put aside for awhile when you were seeking something more beautiful. See that the same beauty is here, just not as easy to see until you’ve gone back to reconnect.
Let the monk inside you come down from the mountain and see what Source is creating all the time.
See the love in love and the love in hate. See the calm in turmoil. Bring Spirit back into the world. And let yourself laugh again.
God bless you.
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