Mojakore Project Created for Dorian in the Bahamas
Mojakore is launching a Project to respond to the crisis Dorian has created for Bahamians. The storm has brought death and unprecedented destruction already. It is expected to hover over the Bahamas for several more hours.
During the 1st stages of relief we will focus primarily on personal security
— evacuation, food, water
- Gather contact information for emergency services
- Identify services that are available for evacuees
- Develop infrastructure for tracking evacuation requirements still outstanding
- Identify what infrastructure services remain at given perimeters, for relief efforts
- Develop infrastructure to gather status of relief providers and track when their services are no longer needed in given areas
Remaining planning for each stage of relief to be adapted from the Katrina plan as another 1st step.
Emergency contacts:
Shelter information: BAHAMAS 2019 Emergency Hurricane Shelter Listing
The Group activity link:
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