CoronaVirus Quick Update – World Health Organization Message
The WHO Director General delivered a very good speech at a mission briefing on COVID-19. It was especially encouraging that some countries are stopping the virus from further spreading after initial cases.
WHO is not yet calling the present state of the crisis pandemic, rather at this point he’s calling it a set of linked epidemics in many countries around the world.
“WHO is advising countries on actions they can take for each of the “three Cs” scenarios – first case, first cluster, and first evidence of community transmission….”
Also noted was that the Ebola crisis is still winding down. There have been no new cases of Ebola over the last 2 weeks. On March 3rd alone though, “5262 alerts were investigated, 304 samples were analyzed and 189 people were vaccinated against Ebola.”
We all have to do our part. We need to share quality news updates and advice.
For organizations involved in the crisis, it was mentioned that training videos on the Coronavirus are available at the WHO website as well.
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