About Mitaani Kuu
Mojakore.com’s focus is on use of advances in Technology and IT / Project Management methodologies to be a part of the Black American community’s forward progress: social, economic, every area affecting our Quality of Life.
The purpose of Mitaani Kuu is to enable Black Americans to launch businesses and organizations, and to showcase their products and services to our consumers more easily. Also, we will enable people in our communities to create ads, and to get their resumes to our businesses more easily.
The commission is 3%, up to $17 per sale, or $17 month for longer term products, classified ads, etc.
Current focus: Black American home builders, film directors, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, banks, auto dealers and salesman, lawyers, accountants, lenders, professionals in marketing, IT, project management, advertising, insurance, entertainment, news, investment, retail companies including clothing, cosmetics, pharmacies, discount stores, rentals, toys, books, everything!
Special geographic areas of focus for brick and mortar Black-owned businesses: North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.