Project Dorian in the Bahamas
Project to respond to the crisis Dorian has created for Bahamians. The storm has brought death and unprecedented destruction already. It is expected to hover over the Bahamas for several more hours.
During the 1st stages of relief we will focus primarily on personal security — evacuation, food, water
– Gather contact information for emergency services
– Identify services that are available for evacuees
– Develop infrastructure for tracking evacuation requirements still outstanding
– Identify what infrastructure services remain at given perimeters, for relief efforts
– Develop infrastructure to gather status of relief providers and track when their services are no longer needed in given areas
Remaining planning for each stage of relief is copied from the Katrina plan, to be updated as another 1st step.
The 2nd stages of relief should focus on organizing related information to optimize efficiency
– Evacuation groups need to know where to report the people they’ve found
– Everyone needs to know who is tracking the status of evacuees and victims
– Everyone needs to know where to go to find out who is doing what
– Everyone needs to know where to go to find out what is needed, or who is reporting what is needed
– – What is needed from those giving money
– – What is needed from those contributing their services
– – Where they can go to register their skills and monetary/time-frame requirements
– – – Some might be able to donate 100% of their time with no pay
– – – Others might be able to donate 50%, 20%, 10%, or less of their time with reduced pay for 1 or 2 weeks ( some at 20% level, some at 50% level ? ) or 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or a year
– – – Others might be interested in changing careers or jobs to help with disaster relief
– – Helping organizations need to know what infrastructure is available for them
– – – What gas is available for helping orgs.
– – – What food and water is available for helping orgs.
– – – What motel and meeting services are available for helping orgs.
– – – What communication services are available within different perimeters of the disaster
– – – What cost-offset resources are available for helping organizations
– – Governments, helping organizations, and evacuees need to know where to report activities that need to be handled better in
similar future events
– – – Root cause analysis needs to be done, and optimal improvements made to future planning
The 3rd stages should include rebuilding damaged and destroyed infrastructure, and relocating evacuees who desire returning
Evacuees need to know when their residences or businesses have been determined to be unrepairable or ready for re-use
Evacuees need to know what jobs are available in their original community, and what jobs are being made especially available for evacuees in their new communities
Evacuees need continued access to
Food, shelter, clothing
Emergency cash
Re-development businesses need to know
Where their services are needed
Where they can go to recruit evacuees with desired skillsets
Where they can go to access funding available for re-development
Where they can go to report services they need
Where they can go to report investment opportunities related to re-development
Other people need to know
What related funds there are to contribute to
What re-development-related jobs are available
What is current status of federal funds availability for various needs
What investment opportunities exist in support of redevelopment